This is the flagship building for a globally unique mix of business development in biotechnology at Waikato Innovation Park.

The site lies on 17 Ha of picturesque park-like land formerly part of the Ruakura Research Station. The aesthetic concept originated from the agricultural heritage of the Waikato region and the technology based users of the building. Already home to over 60 businesses, Waikato Innovation Park continues to grow and is the ideal place for collaboration, research and commercialisation in the heart of the Waikato.

Its strong visual statement of permanence is the anchor for further complexes that are to evolve on the site.
The character is drawn from the rustic farm structures and dairy factories once prevalent in the area.

Contemporary architectural features signal its modernity; the exo-skeletal structure and exposed services express the technologies within the building, emphasising it as a living, functioning form. A curved crucifix spine, serves as circulation to the public space and meeting area, placed with cafes, amenities, kiosks and casual leases.