Manuka Health
Manuka Health
Te Awamutu
Manuka Health
Manuka Health’s 5000m² customised facility in Te Awamutu combines internationally accredited laboratories, honey-drum storage, blending, packing and distribution, along with customer services and operations teams under one roof for the first time. Manuka Health has enjoyed dramatic growth since 2006, now exporting to 45 countries. The new facility allows for continued growth and expansion, supporting the company’s commitment to provide premium New Zealand natural products for the wellbeing throughout the world.
An Architectural lead project where a higher level of design thought; ensuring a holistic approach to ensuring the site was optimised for a future expansion to both the admin and 1850m² processing/warehouse component. The project had a high level of coordination with mechanical and electrical services, due to the specific nature of the process. The pattern to the “blade wall” is a playful array of charcoal sheet cladding with varying slots of windows to create a somewhat random feel whilst being quite reasoned in its setup. This plays on the whole Manuka Health phrase “Given by Nature, Proven by Science.” There was a high involvement with a branding company to ensure a cohesiveness with the building.